Does Your Staff Have to Quit to Get Healthy?

Scippa & Associates can help you create an organization wide workplace wellness program. We design comprehensive programs that are beyond the basics, tailored specifically to the individual needs of your staff and your organization. Our programs are designed to help you reach your peak performance and maintain healthy life. The connection between stress, illness and its impact on the workplace is nothing new, yet people don’t seem to be getting much better at managing it.

Health and Wellness Programs We design sessions to be personal and experiential including the use of self-assessment instruments that will help you to reflect on your habits and environment. We offer sessions as in service lunch and learn segments, ½ day or full day staff retreats. Our “ErgoU” programs are conducted within each staffs work environment to assess and offer ergonomic strategies to eliminate repetitive motion injuries.
Health & Wellness Coaching Spa packages for your brain – We offer Individual or team coaching for ongoing leadership, management and health development support to create the peak performance habits you need.
Personal Stress Assessment Total Life Stress Test – This instrument measures your physical, environmental, chemical, emotional and social stress. Adapted with permission from the work of Dr. Norm Shealy, this instrument gives you an understanding of the most critical stressors and energy zappers in your life and helps determine your best next steps to greater health and vitality.

Do You Know Where Your Organization Is Headed? Are You Ready To Take It To The Next Level?

Let Scippa & Associates guide your Organization Development process. Our staff is ready to help you develop, transform and grow. Working at all levels of your organization we can design the interventions best suited for a systematic process of managing change. This work often involves the use of specific assessments that fit your goals, executive coaching and team retreats.

Strategic Planning We coordinate and facilitate all levels of the organization in the development of your strategies. Our staff is highly skilled at helping you determine direction and mobilize a plan from the “thinking” to the steps in action.
Change Management Our approach the ongoing change management efforts needed to keep your organization vital include the use of interviews, needs assessment, cultural audits and curriculum design to direct change management efforts. These efforts typically will include leadership engagements and strategic planning processes.
Culture Change No change management or strategic planning process would be complete without attention to your organization’s culture. We have the tools to help you assess where you are now, envision where you want to be and to formulate the path to engage your staff in the cultural change process.
Organizational Events Need to engage your organization fully in the process of your planning and change objectives? Let us work with you to create events of all sizes that deliver your message and gathers what you need to move your organization forward.

Do Your Leaders Have What It Takes? Are Your Future Leaders Ready?

Let Scippa & Associates take your organization\’s current leadership to higher levels of performance.  Let us strengthen your next generation of leaders to ensure your organization\’s continued growth and achievement.

The success of the organization relies on the ability of its leaders to inspire, motivate, and bring the vision to life.  We provide support to leaders and emerging leadership through a variety of strategies customized to the specific needs of your organization.  These strategies include:

Executive and Management Coaching We coach and mentor your managers and executives on creating and integrating teams and structures for ongoing learning, development, and effective project management.
Succession Strategies We work with you to develop a plan for leadership succession to ensure there will be a next generation of leaders up to the task of maintaining and improving upon the accomplishments of the current leadership.
Emerging Leader Programs We design and facilitate programs to gain an understanding of what it takes to be an effective leader and develop the skills required for effective leadership.
Professional Development We offer individual coaching, assessments, and group sessions to help your staff reach their peak performance.
Leadership and Management Team Interventions We gain an understanding of the dynamics of struggling departments and develop and implement strategic interventions.
Retirement Transition We offer comprehensive succession and legacy planning through individual and group sessions for smooth retirement transitions.
Management Retreats We design and facilitate specialized retreats to hone management skills.
Assessments Our staff are certified and well versed in a variety of cutting edge assessment tools including the MBTI, DiSC, EQI, StrengthsFinder, and various 360 instruments.